Supported Employment
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
With the support of a competent, trained job coach and/or support worker, people with learning disabilities and autism can be employed in roles that they will enjoyed and add value too plus be valued employees in their chosen field of work.
Supported Employment is the process of us providing support to candidates which is determined by their respective requirements and then helping candidates find work, secure employment and then learn and develop in the role. The overall aim and objective is to secure permanent paid employment. The Supported Employment model is a recognised programme but is reliant on the ongoing development of strong relationships between supported employment providers, businesses and other key stakeholders which if nurtured and developed, can deliver long term benefits for all parties.
Paid employment can bring obvious benefits to candidates with learning disabilities and autism. Some of the benefits can be life changing. because where barriers once existed, overcoming these barriers and securing employment can have a profound affect on the life of candidates. Whilst there are the obvious financial advantages which provides candidates with a degree of indepedance, employment can also have a positive impact on confidence and self-esteem.
It is stated that only 6% of adults with learning disabilities and autism are in paid employment. This compares to >80% of the general population. It is clear that there is so much work to be done to engage and educate employers on the benefits of employing candidates with learning disabilities.
We understand the challenges faced here so our wholly committed to supporting candidates through the employment process.
Employing someone who has learning disabilities or autism can be a wholly rewarding process. The candidates will be trained in the respective areas of employment and may have academic qualifications to support their development. You will get enthusiasm and commitment from the candidate who will be supported in the role by a job coach or support worker, who will be there to support the candidate and help them overcome any barriers. They will also help the candidate to always remain focused on their work so they can deliver value to the role. You will get commitment and loyalty plus dedication and passion.
Research shows that employing a candidate with learning disabilities or autism can have far reaching benefits for the company.
When we supply the job coach/support worker for the candidate, we ensure that we have open and regular dialogue with our candidate and job coach/support worker. We are also here to work with our employers to ensure that we can work together so the candidate can deliver the best of themselves and the employer realises the benefits.