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“we are passionate about making a difference in the world of opportunity and employment for people who face challenges in their lives.” 

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Red Apple Education Supported Employment was born out of a vision to make a difference to the employment opportunities of people with learning difficulties and disabilities. 

We do this through providing job coaches for people in Supported Internships, Supported Apprenticeships and Supported Employment. Our job coaches and support workers are trained, experienced staff who are dedicated to supporting people in roles, helping them give the very best of themselves and overcoming any barriers.

We understand that the pathways to employment for students with SEN/SEND and SEMH are not as smooth or as straightforward as they are for students who do not face similar life challenges. This should not be the case. The opportunities of employment should be the same irrespective of your starting point and we are committed to remove these barriers, educate employers and open up more opportunities than ever before.

Our about

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Company Structure

Red Apple Education Supported Employment is part of the Red Apple Group. It is a subsidiary of Red Apple Ltd and a sister company to Red Apple Education and Red Apple Recruitment. We specialise in the area of recruitment, predominantly in education across all sectors but more recently in other sectors, supporting businesses across the northwest. RAESE is developed through a passion for us to make a difference for those students who face greater challenges in their education and then in employment. We have a wide ranging network of education providers and employers and we are wholly committed to developing pathways for students going forward to open up employment opportunities.

Contact us for more information or to discuss your requirements.